20 março 2007

(New) Visions of São Paulo

Last year i was invited to write to a book project, called "Visões de São Paulo" (Visions of São Paulo). This project's objective was to gather 50 writers, fresh or veterans, for each one write a short history about some peculiar trait of the city of São Paulo. The book, a brilliant initiative of the editor and writer Richard Diegues, was published in december'06 by Tarja Editorial. The Launch event took place at Casa das Rosas, a colonial palace located at Avenida Paulista, considered a symbol in São Paulo, with the presence of the writers and hundreds of invitees.

But the city of São Paulo is too big to be restrained in only one book. Taking this into account, was created a web page called "Novas Visões de São Paulo" (New Visions of São Paulo), in which 15 writer from the book project will post, each two days, a new short history. The site debuts on march 1st, and was accessed more than two thousand times. It will be a great landmark in the Brazilian literature.

I was also invited to work in this project, and my first history, "Idas e Vindas" (Departures and Returnings), was published with the other's writings. Visit the sites, e know more about the projects that are in development:

Visões de São Paulo: http://www.tarjaeditorial.com.br/SiteVSP/index.htm
Novas Visões de São Paulo: http://nvsp.tarjaeditorial.com.br/

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